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Doing laundry uses a lot of energy and produces tons of greenhouse gases every year. The higher the temperature, the more by-products are released into the earth's atmosphere. Actually, our own mapping shows that 65% (other studies shows as much as 75-80%) of our clothing's lifecycle impact comes from washing and drying. This is because your garment will be energy to heat up both water and dryer, and not the least because your garment will be washed many times before it is time for recycling. No matter the percentage, we can conclude that washing and drying has a great negative impact on the environment and there is a lot that can be done to make a difference. Here are some of our best tips for green washing 


There is big misinformation around hot water being better at killing germs. Technological advances in both machines and detergents have made cold-water washing highly effective. It is time to forget those washing instructions we learned from granny. And it might be time to upgrade to a new washer if you have one that is older than from around the mid-'90s.

Today's detergents are formulated with enzymes that kick into action already at low temperatures, so you can wash your underwear and sweaty sportswear in 40c without having to worry the least about evil germs.

When washing at a lower temperature, use a liquid detergent. It dissolves better at lower temperatures than the granulated ones. And make sure to use the right amount of detergent. Too much builds up in your clothes and too little will not get them clean.


Many of us wash our clothes far too often. Many times, this leads to half-empty machines and clothes being washed that perhaps didn't need to run the cycle. Ask yourself if your clothes actually are dirty before putting them in your laundry basket. Or are you throwing them there out of pure habit?

Our tips: make sure to wait until you can fill the washer and fill it with clothes that actually are dirty (but avoid over-filling to let the machine work as its maximal mechanical power)


Frequent washing leads up to frequent drying. Instead of electric drying, let nature do its job and go for line drying. Even if the weather won't permit, there are always solutions for drying indoors. Your clothes will last longer, and nature will thank you. The UV light from the sun actually helps killing bacteria. Just remember to avoid hanging your dark clothes in direct sunlight, or they will fade.

And even if it says in your wash instructions, it can never be said too many times: don't put your stretchy leggings in the dryer, they will shrink or warp!.


Softeners break down the fibers that make your sportswear extra stretchy and firm. They also create a little film that sticks to the fabrics and makes them harder to clean. More odors and grimy bacteria, yikes! it will also block the pieces' ability to dry wick (wicking pulls sweat and moisture away from your body) and you pay money for that, so leave the softeners out!